Tamotex 20

Tamotex 20

  • $75.00

Manufacturer: Euro-Pharmacies, Europe
Pharmaceutical name: Tamoxifen Citrate
Pack: 1 pack (50 tabs (20 mg/tab))

Tamotex is an oral formulation that contains 20 mg of Tamoxifen Citrate.

Tamotex 20 is not classified as a steroid; instead, it functions as a selective estrogen receptor blocker. While it does not inhibit the accumulation of estrogen in the body, it does prevent estrogen from interacting with specific receptors, particularly those found in the nipple area. This is especially beneficial for bodybuilders, as this area is prone to the development of gynecomastia when using aromatizing steroids like testosterone.

Another significant advantage of Tamotex 20 for bodybuilders is its ability to significantly enhance testosterone production by stimulating LH secretion, making it an excellent option for post-cycle therapy (PCT).

Although the medication provides clear benefits regarding estrogen accumulation, it can negatively affect the action of progesterone-related steroids. Therefore, it's advised that bodybuilders avoid using Tamotex 20 alongside steroids such as Deca or Trenbolone.

It’s also essential to recognize that Tamotex does not eliminate estrogen from the entire body, and athletes looking to reduce overall water retention and bloating should consider effective estrogen blockers like Anastrozole or Exemestane. Bodybuilders typically use Tamotex in daily doses ranging from 25 to 75 mg throughout a cycle where gynecomastia is a potential issue. Those wanting to include Tamotex 20 in their PCT regimen usually administer it at comparable doses for 4-6 weeks after stopping all steroids. Users may also opt to integrate Proviron and/or HCG into their PCT strategy.